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A beautiful smile often requires a bit of work. Although some individuals may have it easier than others, there are numerous things you can do to ensure your smile can thrive in the new year. Even simple cleaning habits such as brushing and flossing every day for a few minutes each can drastically improve your oral health. Beyond your cleaning techniques that you employ, it is important to also practice a healthy lifestyle including avoiding unhealthy habits and lifestyle choices.

In order to ensure your smile remains in tip-top shape, always focus on using cleaning products that are dentist recommended or suggested. Furthermore, feel free to look for the ADA Seal of Acceptance, as it indicates the worthiness and safety of the product.

If you are involved in any high-risk activities or play sports, always make sure you’re wearing the proper safety equipment. This includes mouth guards, helmets, and face masks that are intended to protect your teeth and gums. In addition, exercise caution with all forms of mouth jewelry including lip rings, as they can severely impair and damage your teeth, gums, and lips.

Don’t wait for a dentistry treatment. If you would like to know if you require a tooth restoration, please schedule an oral exam with Dr. Wendy McCurdy and our team at Smile Time Family Dentistry at our dentist office in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, by calling us at 601-583-2000.